Sunday 4 May 2014

DVVHolland visits BBC Radio Bristol

A quick plug before all the Eurovision shenanigans really kicks up a fuss.

Last Friday, I visited BBC Radio Bristol's Steve Yabsley show to talk about all things Eurovision!

I will admit to being TERRIBLY nervous before going on air and I had so many facts, figures, names, faces and dates in my head I did go in a bit bunny in the headlights (hence why I debated if we'd won 5 times or 4 times!) Overall I had a lovely chat with my Yabsley and he seemed to enjoy it too!

I am going to slightly blow my own trumpet here so forgive me if I seem a bit self-indulgent.
It's not often I put myself forward to doing things like this. Behind the façade of the website, twitter and online forums I am really quite shy, unconfident and empty of self esteem. Most of the time I am being told how rubbish I am or how I'm not good enough or that I am a horrid person so I was really happy to have been invited to talk about something I am knowledgeable of and have a passion for... and I don't really have very many of those...
I just sometimes wish I could explain to you all what this passion means to me and that it is something that makes me whole, part of a community and gives me a direction for my happiness. This was a really big thing for me even if it seemed trivial and unimportant to those who knew about it.

It is available to listen to via the BBC iplayer and will be for the next few days here and I am on from about 31 mins onwards.

If you enjoyed me - tell me :)

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